Play the City. Games Informing the Urban Development
“New generations of city officers will speak the language of games and they will play to plan their cities. We, the experts working for the city, need to adapt our methods to fit a new generation of policymakers and city makers that are born into a world that not only contains, but is reshaped by, the likes of Minecraft, Pokemon Go and Foursquare on a daily basis. Interactive maps, mixed realities, 3D environments, and multiplayer settings are the new mediums through which an entire generation perceives the urban world. Imagine a future where cities are modeled, tested, designed, and reshaped through interactive, collaborative games. At Play the City, we are working towards creating this future. This book therefore will inspire not only the city officers or experts in city making, as architects and planners, but anyone who feels interested and responsible for their living environments.” – Ekim Tan, founder Play the City Foundation
Publisher: JAP SAM. 2018. Softcover. 17×23 cm. Pages: 392. Language: English. BW illustrated. RRP:€ 30,00. ISBN: 978-94-90322-87-8